Amos Weinberg: Learn about my history in the field.

Over 30 years of dedication to my clients.

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Amos Weinberg is a New York State attorney since 1978, whose practice consists of contract and collection litigation.

A presiding judge of the Manhattan Civil Court noted in 1984 that his firm had the most cases in the court system.

Admitted in both the Eastern and Southern District federal courts, he has served as a trustee in bankruptcy, and over 30 times as a civil court arbitrator.

He has been quoted in numerous publications including New York Magazine. In addition to almost every kind of business, the industries he has most represented are building and construction trades, staffing and placement agencies, and health service providers.

His cases have created new rights, never before recognized in New York, for unpaid personnel and temporary agencies and no-fault insurance claimants.

An associate member of NYATS (NY Assoc. of Temporary Services) in the 1990’s, and supporter of APCNY (Assoc. of Personnel Counselors of NY) since 1985, he was a frequent speaker before various APCNY and NYATS groups, since the mid-80’s, on issues of recovering and protecting fees.

He has won cases in every appellate division and appellate term, and represented at least 20 law firms in their actions to recover legal fees. He has trained dozens of attorneys working for or underneath him. He has had over 150 published decisions on his cases.

He has served as an active Mentor for the Queens County Bar Association, for commercial litigation, since the 1980’s and has mentored attorneys each year under this program. Since 1986, he has collected over $75MM for his clients. He has served as general counsel to the Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition, since 2001.

: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Send me:
    1. all unpaid invoice(s) and a statement confirming the net amount due
    2. any contract, signed or unsigned
    3. any notes, letters or emails showing the responses to your efforts at getting payment,
    4. any information of any dispute.
    I will immediately confirm and get started right away!
  • If you believe that in the course of doing further business with the client during the next two years you could make up the disputed charge, do not sue.
  • I suggest at least 3 calls/emails and wait 2 weeks for a response.
  • Send the client a 10 day letter, stating that if they do not pay or call with payment arrangements in the next 10 days, you will have to refer the matter to your litigation counsel for immediate suit. At the end of the letter, or in the email, show a "cc: Amos Weinberg Esq.,"
  • Send me an email with their name and address. I'll do a quick database search to see if they have any judgments against them. Free!
  • My specialty is the unique ability to get speedy results, often for the full amount, upon the legal papers I submit!

    Along with my letter or email acknowledging that I started the law suit, you get an affidavit for a summary judgment motion. There are no delays just because someone fights the suit. And, if I'm in the office, I answer the phone personally!

  • New York State comes out with soft cover books each week of all significant in-state legal opinions ("advance sheets"). I have not missed one of these since 1979 during which I have steadily built up my own library of summaries from all the opinions dealing with the law that I practice.
  • Besides harassing your debtor and creating ill will, the only thing that a collection agency can do is to threaten legal action. I bring the legal action immediately.